👀Copy Trade

What is Copy Trade?

Copy Trade is an advanced feature offered by AVABOT, allowing you to effortlessly replicate the trades made by other users. It's like having the ability to mirror the buying actions of skilled traders instantly.

How to CopyTrade With AVA?

Wallet active/inactive: Decide which wallets you'd like to use for copying trades. If the button is green, Copy Trade is enabled. If you want to turn it off, just click the selected wallet to turn it red.

Add Addresses: Enter the wallet addresses you want to copy their buys. You can add multiple wallets separated by commas. Addresses you have added for Copy Trade are presented in the mirror list above

Remove addresses: If you decide to stop copying trades from certain wallets, simply enter one or more wallet addresses, separated by commas. After removal, their trades will be ignored.

Buy amount: Set the maximum amount of ETH you're willing to use for a single copy trade. It must be greater than or equal to 0.1 ETH. For instance, if you set the "Buy Amount" to 0.5 ETH and the trader's wallet buys 0.1 ETH, the bot will also buy 0.1 ETH to mirror the trader's activity. However, if the trader buys any amount greater than 0.5 ETH, the bot will stick to buying only 0.5 ETH.

Last updated