👛My Wallets
Check the Smart Contract Wallet Full Information
What does "My Wallets" have?
You will be able to create up to 3 EOA and 3 AA Wallets. These wallets will include the following information:
Wallet Number: This is simply the number assigned to your wallet, ranging from 1 to 3.
Wallet States (If you use AA Wallet): You'll find 3 different types of states for your Smart Contract Wallet. (undeployed|Deployed|Linked)
Note: AA Wallet will be fully functional upon completion of 3 states
Address: Every wallet you create will have its unique address.
Balances: In the "My Wallets" section, you'll see the balances of ETH/BNB/etc. in your wallets (these balances will only be displayed in the Network currency unit).
There will be another type of wallet, which will only be generated and deployed from the corresponding EOA wallet when you snipe using the spam transaction method; it's called the Vault wallet (a Smart Contract Wallet)
How To Generate Vault Wallet?
Go to Method Sniper on the main menu or type
Spam Transaction
Add to Snipe List
Once the responding EOA wallet has insufficient funds (BNB) for deployment, a Vault Vallet will be deployed automatically.
Deposit into this Vault wallet for spam execution, then check BNB balances in
My Wallets
Last updated