AA Wallet

What is a AA Wallet?

In AVA, two primary types of accounts exist: Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs -Traditional Wallet) and Contract Accounts (CAs). EOAs are controlled by private keys, while CAs are controlled by their contract code.

AA is a combination of both, it's like a wallet but you can customize the code on it to do many other things.

Read details here.

Why AA Wallets Matter for Telegram Bot?

AA Wallets on AVA can perform specific actions like trading and sniping. However, its codes are not designed to allow AVA withdrawals of your assets.

Only the users can withdraw money from a Smart Contract Wallet.

This feature empowers AVA to execute trade logic on your behalf without storing your private key. This is a safeguard for your security. Moreover, you can verify the code on Etherscan to ensure transparency.

How to Deploy a AA Wallet?

Step 1: Fund your address

We will need to prepare some Deployment Fees for this AA Wallet deployment process (read more pros and cons of Smart Contract Wallet).

Step 2: Use one of the following methods to deploy your Smart Contract Wallet

Method 1: Link to the "Owner Address"

Method 2: Make Your First Transaction.

Why Must You Add a Minimum Fund to Your First AA Wallet?

A certain amount of funds is required to cover the fees for deploying the Smart Contract Wallet onto the network.

Last updated