Wallets States

What's a Wallet State?

"Wallet States" are the states of a Smart Contract Wallet. It notifies you whether your Smart Contract Wallet has been deployed or not, has been funded to prepare for deployment, or is already linked to the Owner Address.

Smart Contract Wallet will be fully functional upon completion of 4 states

How many Wallet States are there?

1. Undeployed: This means the address has just been created but hasn't been deployed into a Smart Contract Wallet yet.

2. Funded: This is the situation where users have put their ETH into their recently generated address, and now it is time for the address to transform into a Smart Contract Wallet.

3. Deployed: Once funding is successfully, let's make your first trading transaction to turn the funded wallet into a deployed one.

4. Linked: Once you've associated your "Owner Address" with your Smart Contract Wallet on Avabot, your wallet enters this final state. Congratulations, you now have a fully functional Smart Contract Wallet!

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